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Katznelson is a surname may refer to:

For a related spelling, Katzenelson:

Another spelling, Katsnelson, is used, although it is not as common as the other two.

Other variants: Kazenelson

It might be noted that Katzenelson and Katzenellenbogen are not the same lineage. Katzenelsons are regarded as Cohanim (descendants of the priesthood through male lineage, part of the tribe of Levi). For example, the designation "HaCohen" (the cohen) is engraved into the tombstone of Berl Katzenelson.[1] The illustrious family Katzenellenbogen are regarded as Yisraelim (descendants of tribes other than Levi). In as much as the designations Cohen, Levi and Yisrael follow paternal lineage, it is unlikely that well known families that have different designations would share a paternal line.
