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Shurahbil ibn Amr

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Shurahbil ibn Amr (Arabic: شرحبيل بن عمرو الغساني) was a Ghassanid governor[1] of the vassal Ghassanid confederation (authority) under the Byzantine Empire in southern Syria region during the 7th century. The then caliph Umar had sent Shurahbil to secretly assassinate the Byzantine Emperor so that Umar could easily take over the kingdom. After the Byzantine emperor came to know of this plot, he ordered the arrest of Shurabhil. When the Byzantine authorities went to arrest Shurahbil, he took out his dagger and killed two of the authorities. Then a Byzantine archer soldier shot an arrow at Shurahbil that instantly killed him. The archer basically had no other choice that time. Then Umar got a very good excuse to invade the Byzantine Empire. Then Muslims attacked with 3000 strong army. Harith bin Abi Shimr al-Ghassani.[2]


  1. ^ War and Peace in the Life of the Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H): p219
  2. ^ Ghadanfar, Commanders of The Muslim Army. p.34